vol.1 (1954)

「本塵ブドウ酒中の細菌に就て (第2報)好気性生酸薗とそのブドウ酒に対する作用」
Studies on the Bacteria in Japanese Wines
Part2 The Aerobic Acid-forming Bacteria and their Action on Wines
Tadae KUSHIDA pp.1-14[PDF]
 山梨県内各地より収集した比較的健全なブドウ酒を試料にし、炭酸石灰添加麹・肉汁寒天を培地にして、好気性生酸菌約100株を分離し、それらの菌株中普通のブドウ果汁に比較的良く繁殖する菌株の代表的なもの25株につき、形態的並びに生理的諸性質を調べ、朝井氏の酪酸菌分法に従つて次の如く分類した。 次にこれらの菌株の一部につきブドウ酒醸造並びに品質に及ぼす影響を試験して次の結果を得た。分離したAcetogluconobacterは一般に細菌単独ではブドウ果汁に余りよく繁殖しないが、ブドウ酒醗酵中には極めて悪い影響を与え、中には著しく酒精醗酵を阻害し、多量の糖分を残し醋酸々敗をひき超すものあり、又醗酵終了後分析値に大した変化を与えないものも、認知し得る醋酸臭を生ぜしめ、香味を害し、貯蔵と共にその変化が明瞭になるものである。なおこの種細菌の中には異型乳酸菌の場合と同様にアセトアミドようの臭味を与え所謂”Mousey taste and odor”を生するものもある。従ってブドウ酒醸造に於てはとこれらの細菌の徹底的防除を必要とする。 Gluconobacterに属する菌は一般に単独ではブドウ果汁によく繁殖し、生酸するがブドウ酒醗酵に於ては酵母の生成する酒精に鋭敏なために、それに与える影響は少く醗酵の初期に於てわずかに作用を及ぼすのみである。中には 酒精醗酵を幾分刺戟するものもあるが、一般にまもなく酵母の活力に圧倒せられ、分析値に大きな変化を与えない然しこの僅少な成分変化がブドウ酒の長期貯蔵中に於ける品質の変化に如何なる優劣を意趣するかは今後の研究に俟たねばならない。なお分離歯の繁殖可能濁度は可成り低いのであるから、ブドウ或は果汁の保存の際や、ブドウ酒醗酵が寒冷の為に停止した際等はこれらの細菌の繁殖防止に対する考慮が必要であると思はれる。 The author isolated aerobic acid-forming bacteria from samples collected at various wineries in Yamanashi Prefecture and selected twenty five strains which grew moderately in ordinary grape juice. These bacteria were studied morphologically and physiologically and divided into seven strains of the subgenus Gluconobacter Asai and eighteen Strains of the subgenus. Acetobacter Asai, and subclassified into each species according to Asai’s classification of oxidative bacteria on fruits. The actions of these bacteria on wines were studied and it was generally concluded that the Acetobacter grew, vigorously in the fermenting must and caused acetic spoilage the wine, while the Gluconobacter did not much influence the quality of the wine because its activity was suppressed by wine yeasts.
「麹菌の分類学的研究 (第2報) 単胞子培養による基本種又は純系分離(第1報補遣)」
A Taxonomic Study on the Koji Molds
 Part2.Genetic Segregations in A. tamarii-orysae Group demonstrated through Monoconidial Cultures (Supplement to Part1)
小原 巌
 単胞子分離培養によってA・tamarii-oryzae群の代表菌株21株から17株の同性株を得た。それらがAlavus-oryzae Thom et Raperの5種にA.tamariiとA.sojaeを加えた7種に分類されたで、これらをA.tamarii-oryzae群の基本種或は純系とする分類表を造った。
 Monoconidial isolations were repeated through three to seven succesive culture series of 20 single spores of twenty one type-strains of A. tamari-oryzae gloup (Koji-molds).
 Under such procedure seventeen progeny (Homogenic, mostly C-type) remained uniform, while other progeny (Heterogenic, mostly X or CM-type) continued to break up into further variations.
 Homogenic strains were classified in a key including seven species, and they were considered as an elementary species of A. tamarii-oryzae group.
「微生物によるグリセリン代謝機構に關する研究 (第4報)酵母によるグリセリン資化性に就いて」
Studies on the Mechanism of Glycerol-metabolism bv Microbes
 Part4.On the Assimilaton of Glycerol by Yeasts
大塚謙一, 増田博
Ken-ichi OTSUKA ,Hiroshi MASUDA
 1.Saccharomyces, Shizoseccharomycesは唯一の炭素源としてグリセリンを資化も,酸化も出来ない (サツカロミセス型)
 3.グリセリンを資化し.酸化も出来るのは産幕酵母である。 (産膜酵母型)。
 The yeasts of about 300 strains (from the collection of Tokyo University) are examined comparatively with regard to the assimilation and the respiratory quotient of glycerol.
 Saccharomyces and Shizosaccharomyces without exception have not abilities to assimilate and to oxidize glycerol. While, other yeasts which can grow in ad artificial giycero1-medium belong to the so-called “film-forming yeast”, and they have the high rate of glycerol-oxidation. Above results indicate that Saccharomyces may be distinguishable from other yeasts as to the activity to glycerol of sucrose-or alcohol-oxidation as other yeasts, they may be lacking a part of the mechanism of glycerol-oxidation.
On the Variance of Composition, in the Distillates of a Grape Brandy
 1. フーゼル油はアルコールの蒸溜に従ひ、含有量はアルコールと同じように変化し大部分の量は滑液のアルコール分の強い部分に溜出している。
 2.原料ブドウ酒中の酸 (揮発酸)は、溜液の中には極く一部分 (約1/5)が蒸溜 されるだけである。
 4.アルデヒドは再溜の際、酸への酸化によると考えられる原因によって大半(71%) が失はれた。
 This paper is presented on the variance of composition in the distillates of grape brandy distilled by pot-still and rectifier.
 The work of Frey described the composition of the first and last runnings in the fractionation of plum brandy, however, little was actually known as to what was the composition of the different portions of the distillation and residues of grape brandy distillation.
 The experimental results indicate that the larger amount of the “fusel oil is in the high-alcoholic portion of the distillate, and that the acids (volatile, acids) in the raw wine are found only in small amount in the fractions on distillation.
 The results also show that the first running contains the largest proportion of esters, which rather quickly drops-to a normal amount throughout the remainder of the distillation, and during the second distillation aldehyde is lost, which is probably caused by further oxidation into acids.
「日本産ブドウ酒に関する研究 (第7報)優良ブドウ酒酵母の選択」
Studies on Japanese Wine Part7. Selection of Superior Wine Yeasts
 For the purpose of selecting appropriate wine yeasts to make wine in the cold season from Koshu, one of the most abundant and important grape varieties Japan, wine was produced at relatively low temperatures with twenty five strains of foreign wine yeasts, eighteen of Japanese wine yeasts and one of sake yeast which were stored at Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tokyo. (ACTU).
 1.8l of wine per strain of yeast was produced from Koshu grape juice in a 2l glass flask. After the detailed study of important practical characteristics of the yeast sand several tests on the quality of the wines stored in 500cc glass bottles at room temperatures for about two years the following two strains were Selected; Cruess 66, isolated by Dr. W. V. Cruess and OC No.2, isolated by Dr. K. Sakaguchi.
Studies on Japanese Wine Part8. Selection of Superior Wine Yeasts
pp. 63-70[PDF]
 2.本邦産ブドウ果汁の pHは一般に3.1~4.0であるが、本菌はpH3.05~5.00の果汁で繁殖醗酵共に旺盛である。
 Twenty nine typical strains of wine yeasts which were isolated and classified from many samples of wines and grapes collected at various wineries and vineyards in Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan were studied on their several important practical properties. Wine was produced with these strains twice in the last two years, and the quality of the wines was investigated.
 Three strains of superior wine yeasts were selected.
Studies on Phosphate in Grape Juice
Keni-chi OHTSUKA
 This investigation was undertaken to study the amounts of phosphate in various grapes and wines. Results of analysis indicated that the phosphate in juice should varies according to the differences of vineyards and the age of tree and it was recognized that in some juice (Sample B1~12), only about 50% of the phosphate in juice could found in wine.
「イオン交換樹脂の醸造工業への應用に関する研究 (第1報)ブドウ圧搾粕より酒石酸の回収」
Studies on the Application of lon Exchange-Process for Fermentation Industries
 Part l. The Recovery of Tartates from Winery Wastes
 2.使用したイオン交換樹脂は芳香族アミンを母体とするダイヤオソーA及びフェノールホン酸とフオルマリンとの縮合物であるダイヤオンーKであって、アニオン-カチオン-アニオン交換法を行い、前記の如き条件に於いて酒石酸は、アニオン交換樹脂1 g当り約0.11-0.16吸着された。
 The extracts of pomace was introduced first into an acid removal unit containing an anion exchanger “Diaion-A・OH” then passed through a cation exchanger(Diaion-K・H”). The tartaric acid in the effluent solutions from the second unit were removed by an anion exchanger in third unit.
 For the recovery of tartaric acid, the anion exchanger was treated with ten percent sodium hydroxide by repeated process.
  The concentration of tartaric acid in the effluent solutions were increased sixteen times over that in the initial extracts of pomace and calcium tartrate of high purity was obtained.
[資料] 醸造用ブドウの品種別調査
小原巌 ,齋藤義見
