vol.23 (1988)

「ワイン用ぶ どうとしての “甲州”の系統選抜」
Clone Selection of ‘Koshu’ as Wine-Grape Vine
(The Experimental Vineyard, the Institute of Enology and Viticulture, Yamanashi University)
開花始め時の花穂特性は、6系統で大きな違いはなく、花穂長は140~162 mm (平均152 mm)、花蕾数は343~438個(平均399個)であった。
 10月中旬の収穫適期の果汁糖度は17.3~20.5 °Brix (平均19.3 0Brix)、果汁pHは3.18~3.52(平均3.34)、果汁酸度は0.417~0.649%(平均0.586%)、ブドウ糖/果糖値は0.93~1.00 (平均0.97)、酒石酸/リンゴ酸値は1.87~3.33 (平均2.54)、果房重は254~368 g(平均306 g)、果粒重は3.2~4.5 g(平均4.1 g)であった。
 果汁糖度の高い系統(ME系20.5 °Brix , FJ系20.2 °Brix )は果汁酸度が低い(ME系0.417%, FJ系0.437%)傾向にあった。
The characteristics of a Japanese grape, the Koshu with six-clones collected were tested in order to select more suitable grapes for wine-grape vine. Ripening changes of °Brix ,pH, titratable acidity, glucose and fructose contents, tartaric and malic acid contents of the grape juice, together with the characteristics of spike and cluster, and the wine-quality were investigated for Koshu-six-clone in 1987.
The length of spike and the number of flower buds of Koshu-six-clone were 140-162 mm, (average 152 mm),and 343-438 buds, (av.399 buds), respectively, at flowering stage.
At full maturity in mid October, the °Brix extent of the grape juice of Koshu-six-clone was 17.3-20.5 °Brix, (av.19.3 °Brix), the pH value of the juice was 3.18-3.52, (av. 3.34), the titratable acidity of the juice was 0.417-0.649%, (av. 0.586%), the glucose-fructose ratios and the tartaric-malic acid ratios were 0.93-1.00 (av. 0.97), and 1.87-3.33 (av. 2.54), respectively, for Koshu-six-clone.
At the same time, the cluster weights and the berry weights were 254-368g, (av.306g), and 3.2-4.5g, (av.4.1g), respectively, for Koshu-six-clone.
The sensory impressions of the aftertastes of the wines made from Koshu-six clone were as follows. The YU-1 wine had a high quality with varietal aroma, and tart in taste. The ME wine was strongly varietal in aroma, but was not harmonious in body. The FJ,YU-2’and Al wines were ordinary in quality, in aroma and taste. This study is to be continued for several years.
「Studies on the Production of Grapes and Winemaking in Thailand Cooperative Research Program between Thailand and Japan」
(Institute of Food Research and Product Development, Kasetsart University, Thailand. 2, Institute of Enology and Viticulture, Yamanashi University)
pp. 11-19
Grapes and Wine Production in Thailand PRADIT KARUWANNA [PDF]
Grape and Wine Industries in Thailand Koki Yokotsuka [PDF]
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